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- Berg KM, Bray JE, Ng KC, Liley HG, Greif R, Carlson JN, Morley PT, Drennan IR, Smyth M, Scholefield BR, Weiner GM, Cheng A, Djarv T, Abelairas-Gomez C, Acworth J, Andersen LW, Atkins DL, Berry DC, Bhanji F, Bierens J, Bittencourt Couto T, Borra V, Bottiger BW, Bradley RN, Breckwoldt J, Cassan P, Chang WT, Charlton NP, Chung SP, Considine J, Costa-Nobre DT, Couper K, Dainty KN, Dassanayake V, Davis PG, Dawson JA, Fernanda de Almeida M, De Caen AR, Deakin CD, Dicker B, Douma MJ, Eastwood K, El-Naggar W, Fabres JG, Fawke J, Fijacko N, Finn JC, Flores GE, Foglia EE, Folke F, Gilfoyle E, Goolsby CA, Granfeldt A, Guerguerian AM, Guinsburg R, Hatanaka T, Hirsch KG, Holmberg MJ, Hosono S, Hsieh MJ, Hsu CH, Ikeyama T, Isayama T, Johnson NJ, Kapadia VS, Daripa Kawakami M, Kim HS, Kleinman ME, Kloeck DA, Kudenchuk P, Kule A, Kurosawa H, Lagina AT, Lauridsen KG, Lavonas EJ, Lee HC, Lin Y, Lockey AS, Macneil F, Maconochie IK, John Madar R, Malta Hansen C, Masterson S, Matsuyama T, McKinlay CJD, Meyran D, Monnelly V, Nadkarni V, Nakwa FL, Nation KJ, Nehme Z, Nemeth M, Neumar RW, Nicholson T, Nikolaou N, Nishiyama C, Norii T, Nuthall GA, Ohshimo S, Olasveengen TM, Gene Ong YK, Orkin AM, Parr MJ, Patocka C, Perkins GD, Perlman JM, Rabi Y, Raitt J, Ramachandran S, Ramaswamy VV, Raymond TT, Reis AG, Reynolds JC, Ristagno G, Rodriguez-Nunez A, Roehr CC, Rudiger M, Sakamoto T, Sandroni C, Sawyer TL, Schexnayder SM, Schmolzer GM, Schnaubelt S, Semeraro F, Singletary EM, Skrifvars MB, Smith CM, Soar J, Stassen W, Sugiura T, Tijssen JA, Topjian AA, Trevisanuto D, Vaillancourt C, Wyckoff MH, Wyllie JP, Yang CW, Yeung J, Zelop CM, Zideman DA, Nolan JP and Collaborators. 2023 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations: Summary From the Basic Life Support; Advanced Life Support; Pediatric Life Support; Neonatal Life Support; Education, Implementation, and Teams; and First Aid Task Forces. Resuscitation. In press.
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- 赤澤真央佳、佐藤隆平、西山知佳.客室乗務員を対象とした心肺蘇生の再訓練の実態.日本宇宙航空環境医学会.2023; 60: 71-7.
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